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Is Minecraft cross platform ? Crossplay guide for all platforms

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Minecraft crossplay guide

First released on PC with its Java version, Minecraft started to expand on different platforms. From mobiles (IOS/Android), to consoles like Xbox Series X and Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PS5, or even Nintendo Switch.

So, is Minecraft cross platform ? Yes, Minecraft is cross platform. But not between every of them. There is crossplay for PC, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, PlayStation PS4 and PS5, Nintendo Switch, Android, iPhone and iPad.

In this article, we will explain what platforms are able to play together, and what you can do to easily play with your friends.

PC and Mobile crossplay (Android/IOS)

Mobile Minecraft PE players on IOS and Android devices, can use the cross platform feature to play with PC players. The easiest way to crossplay between mobile and PC is to use the Bedrock version.

Actually, the Pocket Edition is compatible by default with PC Bedrock version. This makes the two platforms able to play together by default.

Java and Bedrock crossplay (mobile and pc)

In order to play with your friends with Java and Bedrock variants of Minecraft, you will need to use a server.

Using AxentHost, you can create a free Minecraft server. You will be able to create a server and join it, no matter your platform.

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Console Minecraft crossplay (PS4, PS5, Xbox...)

This sandbox game on console allows multiplayer between the every consoles with the Bedrock edition. This means crossplay is available between Xbox and Playstation. So if you play on either Xbox, PS4 or PS5, you can play together by default !

How to Enable Cross Platform

As you already understood, crossplay is already available by default. But there's a catch. PC players playing with the Java version can't play with MCPE (mobile) players or any console.

There is a way to enable cross platform between Java and Bedrock edition. You will need to create a Minecraft Server and configure it :

  1. Register on AxentHost.
  2. Click on "Create a new server".
  3. Make a free Minecraft server.
  4. Activate your server and stop it once installed.
  5. Navigate to the files tab and delete all the server files.
  6. Navigate to the variants tab and choose the "Geyser" server variant and validate.

Make sure to select the GeyserMC server variant in order to activate crossplay. Enabling this will make Minecraft PE players able to play with Java and Bedrock players in the same world.

This is particularly useful if you are playing with the good old Java Minecraft and your friend on mobile or consoles ! If needed, feel free to follow the tutorial on how to join a geyser server with consoles.

Same device multiplayer

Playing on the same type of device, like PC, console or mobiles, directly allows multiplayer.

The fact is that you will have to host a game or use a hosting platform. The biggest benefit of a hosting platform is the fact you can let your world open even without letting your device on. This allows anyone to join the world 24/7. It lets your friends get more resources for building your base, or even prepare for the ender dragon.

To join your multiplayer world, just use the "multiplayer" button in the main menu. Then either add a server or click "direct connect" and paste the IP provided by the hosting platform.


Crossplay has never been easier for Minecraft. You can already play with your friends and family by default if you are playing with the Bedrock edition. However, hosting a GeyserMC server is the only way to enable cross platform between java and bedrock edition. So if you want to play with other people, but are not playing on the same version, start your server for free with AxentHost !

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