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How to make Smooth Stone in minecraft


Making smooth stone is one of the most common ways to design a home. Used a lot for walls and floors, this sort of polished stone makes it really appealing. Let's see how to make smooth stone in Minecraft.

Smooth Stone in Minecraft
Smooth Stone in Minecraft

The Smooth Stone recipe

You will need to gather cobblestone for the smooth stone recipe. Any type of pickaxe is good to collect cobblestone, even a wooden pickaxe. Collect some stone blocks and any fuel like coal.


  • Cobblestone
  • Any fuel like coal

You will easily find stone anywhere in Minecraft. Just dig 4 blocks under your foot, or quickly find a cave. This is one of the easiest bloc to find in Minecraft.

1. Place cobblestone and fuel in a furnace

With any fuel, the furnace will melt the cobblestone and result in the default stone block.

Cobblestone turned in normal stone in a minecraft furnace
Turn cobblestone in stone

2. Place the stone in the furnace

The furnace will now melt the stone and result in smooth stone.

Stone turned in smooth stone in a minecraft furnace
Smooth stone recipe in Minecraft

Well done ! You have now obtained your smooth stone for your base decoration and for making slabs.

Frequently asked questions

How to make smooth stone slabs in Minecraft ?

The smooth stone slabs recipe is easy. You need 3 smooth stone blocks on an horizontal line in a crafting table. You will obtain 6 smooth stone slabs per craft. Slabs is the only craft you make with smooth stone in minecraft.

3 smooth stone in a crafting table to make smooth stone slabs
Smooth stone slabs recipe

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