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How to make concrete in minecraft

Every concrete blocks in Minecraft
All types of concrete in Minecraft

Using concrete for Minecraft buildings is a new method. Wool was commonly used to add color to any type of build. In particular for its easy craft. But terracotta from Mesa biome and Concrete added new ways to introduce more colors.

Getting concrete is quite easy but needs some time. Here is how to make Concrete in Minecraft.

Make the concrete powder

Crafting concrete takes little time and effort. The needed resources are easy to gather, but you will have to create the concrete in 2 separated steps. The first step is to craft the concrete powder.


  • Gravel x 4
  • Sand x 4
  • Dye x 1
the concrete powder craft in a crafting table
Concrete powder craft

You will easily find gravel in caves and crevices. Sand is most likely found near water. For more sand, it's much more easier to find a desert and collect as many blocks as possible ! The dye can come from any source. You can get red dye from flowers for example.

Turn Concrete powder into Concrete

Turning concrete powder into concrete only requires to place the block in water. The easiest way to do it is to find a river or an ocean. Once there, place the concrete powder into the water. Don't worry, the block will not fall under water since it will become solid once placed in water.

a concrete powder block next to a concrete block in water
Turn concrete powder into concrete

Once in contact with water, you have successfully made concrete. You can now collect it with a pickaxe.

Make concrete faster

There is a faster way to transform your concrete powder. You can directly create a pile of powder under your character, and place a water bucket on top of it. Take the source back in the bucket and the water should have slipped all over the pile.

Your concrete should now be all solid and you only have to mine it to from the top to the bottom ! This is the best way to make concrete in Minecraft.

All concrete colors available

Find all the different colors available for concrete. Each color is associated to the craft with the right dye.

Concrete Colors and Their Corresponding Dyes in Minecraft
Concrete colorDye
WhiteBone meal
OrangeOrange tulip or crafted with red and yellow dye
MagentaAllium, lilac, or crafted with purple and pink dye
Light BlueBlue orchid or crafted with lapis lazuli and bone meal
YellowDandelion or sunflower
LimeCrafted with green and white dye
PinkPink tulip or crafted with red and white dye
GrayCrafted with black and white dye
Light GrayAzure bluet, oxeye daisy, white tulip, or crafted with gray and white dye
CyanCrafted with green and blue dye
PurpleCrafted with blue and red dye
BlueLapis lazuli or cornflower
Brown (chocolate)Cocoa beans
GreenCactus (smelted)
RedPoppy, red tulip, rose bush, or beetroot
BlackInk sac or wither rose

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