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How to make a Mace in Minecraft


The Mace is the latest Minecraft weapon. It was added during the 1.21 Tricky Trials Update. The Mace is a melee weapon known for its enormous damage. By default, it does 6 damage.

While falling from a higher place, it does much more damage. Hitting an entity while falling will transfer the fall damage to the enemy instead of getting hit by them. Let's see how to make a Mace in Minecraft.

A mace in an item frame next to an axe and a sword
The Mace - The new best weapon

The Mace recipe

We will guide you with a step by step guide on how to make a mace in Minecraft. The quick answer is to craft a mace with 1 breeze rod and 1 heavy core in a crafting table. Learn the crafting details in this article.

1. Gather resources

  • 1 Breeze rod
  • 1 Heavy core

The mace craft needs 1 Breeze rod and 1 Heavy core. All the ingredients of the Mace Recipe are found in the Trial Chamber.

Find a Breeze rod

The way to get a Breeze Rod is to find a Breeze in a Trial Chamber. There are spawners in these dungeons, so you should find them easily. Attack this mob to make it drop a Breeze Rod.

Get a Heavy Core

The way to get a Heavy Core is to end the whold Trial Chamber dungeon. You need to defeat the dungeon mobs and break the spawners.

In fact, breaking an ominous trial spawner has a 30% change to drop an Ominous Trial Key. This key is mandatory to get access to a Heavy Core.

Once you made it to the vault at the end of the chamber, called ominous vault, you can use the key. Use the Ominous Trial Key on the Ominous Vault and you will have a 7.5% chance to obtain a Heavy Core.

2. Place ingredients in the crafting table

Now that you have collected all the resources to make a Mace, let's craft it ! You can either use a crafting table, or your inventory since there are only 2 items in the recipe.

Place your Breeze rod in any slot that's not at the top row. Then, place the heavy core at the top of the rod.

The Mace recipe in Minecraft
The Mace craft recipe in Minecraft

3. Move the mace to your inventory

If you followed the previous instructions, you should be able to take your Mace from the crafting table. Drag it in any of your inventory slots.

A mace in an inventory

You have now successfully crafted a Mace. Now that you know how to make a mace, feel free to try its power on hostile mobs while falling from a high place. Make sure to either use the Mending enchantment or to have enough breeze rods to repair your Mace. Its durability of 250 is quite low by default.

Frequently asked questions

How to make a hammer in Minecraft ?

You might be searching how to make the new hammer in Minecraft, but this is actually the Mace. All you need to do is to follow this tutorial to be able to get your hammer.

How much damage does the Mace do ?

The Mace can do an incredible amount of damage. Use this Mace damage calculator to know how much damage you can do with your own Mace.

What does density do in Minecraft ?

The Density enchantment is made to increase the Mace damage by 0.5 per level for each block fallen before hitting the target.

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