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All Villager Jobs in Minecraft Explained


Short answer

The villagers give you access to nearly every useful item. To get these items, you need to trade with them and access higher trade levels to get better items. First, find a village in your Minecraft world, and try to get the Villager doing the job you want.

In this article, we will explain all the villager jobs in alphabetic order, the professions differences and what they can be used for.

All Minecraft Villagers jobs
All Minecraft Villager Jobs

Villager Trading Levels and Popularity

When trading with a villager of any kind, you will make them gain experience and popularity. After every successful trade, you will see green particles around the villager. This means you upgraded their trading level and popularity. The popularity of a villager ranges from negative 30 points to 30 points (-30 to 30), which influences the trade prices.

1. Armorer

The first job villagers can have is armorer. This villager is liked by most of the players, and is often called the "armor villager". This villager job gives focuses on the blast furnace, used to melt ores.

An armorer is trading any kind of armor, shields and a bell. This is a way to get the rare chainmail armor parts that you can't craft by yourself. Once upgraded, you will be able to get enchanted diamond armor pieces.

An armorer in minecraft

2. Butcher

A butcher is useful to cook meat. This job requires a smoker, and only sells multiple types of fried meat and stew. This villager buys raw meat, sweet berries or dried kelp, which makes sense since they are meant to cook with that.

If you don't have access to a natural form of food, you can always trade with a Butcher and get food !

3. Cartographer

Finding a Cartographer is extremely useful in Minecraft ! This villager needs a cartographer's table and can help you to find treasures and more with his maps. You will need to trade with him in order to unlock the best trades.

The cartographer can buy paper, glass planes or a compass. You can use the emeralds he will you to buy his "explorer map" to either find a monument or the woodland mansion.

4. Cleric

A cleric needs a Brewing Stand to start working. The cleric can buy rotten flesh, turtle shells, rabbit's feet, gold ingots and many more items.

You can buy rare and magic items from the cleric, like potions or bottles of experience (Bottle o' Enchanting).

5. Farmer

Farmers are the most useful villagers in Minecraft. You can recognize them with their straw hats. They will be able to grow any kind of food on the land you prepared for them with a hoe. Make sure to give them a composter so they can store the needed seeds for their field. Farmers are able to use bone meal to make the food grow faster.

If you don't want to wait for the food to grow, you can still trade with a farmer ! Farmers will sell most of the food, such as bread, pumpkin pie, apples, cookies, cakes or stews. If your farmer has enough popularity levels, you will be able to buy the rare "Glistering Melon Slice" or "Golden Carrot".

6. Fisherman

A fisherman is useful to get seafood and more fishing items. The fisherman job block is the barrel. Fishing can be time consuming, so trading with your fisherman can get you cooked salmon, cooked cod or a bucket of cod. You can also directly buy an enchanted fishing rod from this villager job.

The fisherman also buys a lot of fishing related items. He can buy anything like String, Coal, Raw Cod, Raw Salmon, Tropical Fish or Pufferfish. This is because a fisherman will have to cook the fishes you sell him. But he can also buy anykind of boat, since he needs to go fishing !

7. Fletcher

Fletcher might be the most reliable Minecraft job to get feathers and flints. In fact, a fletcher needs a Fletching Table to work, and will be able to trade anything for your bow and crossbow. He actually sells arrows, flints, both normal and enchanted bows and crossbows.

A fletcher also buys anything that could help hum to craft bows or arrows. He buys sticks, flints and feathers. But also strings and Tripwire Hooks, since he can sell crossbows.

8. Leatherworker

The only useful thing sold by a leatherworker is the saddle. If you ever wondered how to craft a saddle in Minecraft, this is actually the best way to obtain one. Find a leatherworker, level up by trading with him to master level, and exchange 6 emeralds for a saddle.

A Leatherworker (working with a Cauldron) can also sell leather armor for you or your horse, but this is considered as useless. But if you have a cow farm and a lot of leather, you can sell a leather to him for a small amount of emeralds. This will help to level him up to get access to the saddle trade.

9. Librarian

Librarian is one of the most useful Minecraft villager jobs. With librarians, you can get access to enchanted books, meaning a lot of different enchantments just for emeralds. They need a lectern to work. This block is used to display written books for the player of the party.

Enchanted books aren't the only thing you can get from a Librarian. You can also get bookshelves, lanterns, clocks, or even compasses.

The levels of development of the librarian profession start from beginner, then apprentice and craftsman, and finally expert and master. The trades prices depend on this level. You can observe the color of the buckle on the belt changing each level.

10. Mason

You can recognize a Mason villager with his black clothes with a hammer in his belt. They work with a stonecutter. The mason sells any color of terracotta, but also bricks, polished andesite, granite, diorite and chiseled stone bricks.

You can also buy quartz pillar and classic blocks of quarts for decoration. A mason will buy your clay balls, and all the kind of classic stone, granite, andesite or diorite blocks. This is a good and easy way to turn blocks in emeralds.

11. Nitwit

A nitwit won't do anything. This is not really a job, but more a kind of villager. Between all villager jobs, this is the only one that you can't change, which is not the same as "unemployed".

12. Shepherd

The shepherd isn't quite a popular job in Minecraft. This villager works with a loom and will only give access to decorative blocks. The only items you can buy from him are carpets, beds and flags of every color, paintings, and shears.

If you have a sheep farm, you could make a lot of emeralds with shepherds. They actually buy white and black whool and any kind of dye.

13. Toolsmith

With their Smithing Table, toolsmith are loved for the enchanted diamond tools they sell. Once upgraded to their highest level, they can sell any enchanted diamond tool like enchanted diamond pickaxe, axe, shovel and hoe.

If you need a bell, toolsmith also sell this item. If you need more emeralds, they also buy coal, iron ingots, diamonds and flints. A great tip is to use their smithing table to upgrade your diamond tools to netherite tools. This will help you to have more efficiency while playing.

14. Unemployed

The unemployed villagers are classic villagers. You can assign them to a job if they find a job block such as a cauldron, a smithing table or anything related. Also, if you need to get an unemployed villager to change his job, you just need to break his site block. The related villager will turn into an unemployed one.

This is particularly useful if you want to change the trades of a villager. Keep in mind that making a single trade with someone will make him unable to get reset, even if they got unemployed again.

15. Weaponsmith

Finally, the last villager job of this list is the weaponsmith. Working with his grindstone, he will sell you great weapons. You will be able to buy a bell, and iron or diamond axes and swords. The best of them will be enchanted once he has leveled up.

You might already know the place to find a weaponsmith. His house has lava outside and contains a chest where you should often find a weapon and some useful items to start your survival world !

Villagers levels

You can find out a Minecraft character's trading level by the color of their badge. Novices have a stone-colored one, Apprentices wear an iron-colored one, Journeymen wear gold, Experts have emerald, and Masters proudly wear a diamond badge.

Every Minecraft Villager levels
LevelMinecraft IDBadge colorDescription
Novice1StoneNovide is the default level of a villager. They spawn like this and will be able to take a profession with the right setup and his site block.
Apprentice2IronApprentice is one level higher than "Novice" and gives access to more trades.
Journeyman3GoldJourneyman is one level higher than "Apprentice" and gives access to even more trades.
Expert4EmeraldExpert is one level higher than "Journeyman" and gives access to nearly the best trades of the villager.
Master5DiamondMaster is the highest level. This gives access to the best trades available.

Villagers Job Site Block

Every job needs a specific site block to be picked by a villager. They also need a bed, but if you are in a village, you should already have some.

Minecraft Villager Jobs associated to their Job Blocks
Job nameJob Block
ArmorerBlast Furnace
CartographerCartography Table
ClericBrewing Stand
FletcherFletching Table
Tool SmithSmithing Table
Weapon SmithGrindstone

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